The formation of the Latin American Curricular Studies Network ( CurriculoLatinoAmerica ) is, at the same time, the result of the joint work of several actions, programs and publications between university institutions and their teams dedicated to the study and training in Curriculum, mainly from Mexico, Brazil, Argentina and Chile, as well as the political-academic decision to look directly at the complexity of the 21st century and act in a line of democratic commitment to social justice for our countries and peoples.
Its main objective is to promote and strengthen the relationship aiming at internationalization, the mobility of students and teachers, joint publications and the establishment of programs and projects related to the Curriculum in the Latin American space. It is an initiative that was established in Latin America and from Latin America and aims to participate in discussions, dialogues, debates and controversies about the Curriculum within Latin American countries and with countries around the world, in the gaps of Western curricular tensions , north-south, south-south and west-east. In this way, it seeks to establish and consolidate international, national and institutional relationships between Curriculum scholars, providing a space for constant dialogue between researchers in the field.
Interaction between experts will be carried out systematically through websites and email lists that allow the sharing and discussion of research on curriculum studies.
As one of the Network’s first actions, the Coordination commits to establishing relationships to seek links with the International Association for the Advancement of Curriculum Studies (IAACS), as well as ensuring the broad possibility of communication between members of the network, through a web page and a collective email , aiming to promote activities that can constitute spaces for dialogue and/or joint publication of books and periodicals .
The Latin American Curricular Studies Network ( CurriculoLatinoAmerica ) is not a legal institution and does not receive funding from any source, nor is it affiliated with any political party in the countries that comprise it. The activities it promotes are carried out with the support of the universities to which its associates are linked, having started with funding from the research project Seminario Curriculum Latinoamerica (IISUE-UNAM), Mexico, and the research project Policies Curriculares ProPEd / Uerj (supported by Capes PrInt ), Brazil.
As the first minimum structure of the network, approved on the day of its launch, the following organization is proposed:
Coordination of the CurriculoLatinoAmerica Network : Alicia de Alba (UNAM, Mexico); Alice Casimiro Lopes (Uerj, Brazil); Daniel Johnson ( UChile , Chile); Silvia Morelli ( Universidad Nacional de Rosario, Argentina).
Representatives of each country:
Initial formalization of members: free registration on the network carried out by any researcher working in Latin America through one of the links below.
In Spanish: Latin American Curricular Network (
In Portuguese: Latin American Curricular Network (
After the initial survey of members using the forms above, the Coordination undertakes to create a database that can be accessed by all members.
The Coordination of this Network is committed to publicizing the network and promoting action proposals for the next five years, as well as calling for the renewal of representatives per country, taking 50% of the network members from the corresponding country as a quorum.
From this initial document, the general coordination and coordination by country will advance in the development of basic guidelines for the operation of the network, seeking as a principle to reduce bureaucracy and making them available to all associates for consideration.
Support: Capes PrInt Curriculum Policies project from ProPEd /Uerj and the Seminario Curriculum Latinoamerica (IISUE-UNAM) research project , Mexico.
Network Launch
ProPEd Uerj Auditorium at 4 pm online (we will send the link soon
With the presence of
Dra. Adria Simone, UEA, Brasil
Dra. Anna Luiza de Oliveira, UFPE, Brasil
Dra. Bertha Orozco, ISUE/UNAM, Mexico
Dr. Carmen Burgos, Director of the Instituto de Investigaciones en Ciencias Sociales y Educación , from the University of Atacama, Chile.
Dra. Camila Carlachiani, Universidad Nacional de Rosario, Argentina
Dra. Concepción Barrón Tirado, IISUE/UNAM, Mexico
Dr. Daniel Johnson Mardones , Director of the Department of Education at the University of Chile, Chile
Dr. Diego Díaz Puppato, GCA (Grupo Curriculum Argentina), SAIE (Sociedad Argentina de Investigación en Educación), Argentina
Dra. Elizabeth Fernandes de Macedo, Uerj, Brasil
Dr. Gabriela de la Cruz Flores, Director of IISUE/UNAM, Mexico
Dra. Geniana Santos UFMT, Brasil
Dra. Graciela Wayarm, GCA (Grupo Curriculum Argentina), SAIE (Sociedad Argentina de Investigación en Educación), Argentina
Dr. Gustavo Oliveira, UFPE, Brasil
Dr. Henry Portela Guarín, Universidade de Caldas, Colômbia
Dr. Hugo Heleno Camilo Costa, Uerj, Brasil
Dra. Iris Verena, UNEB, Brasil
MG Guid Gualtieri, Universidad Nacional de Lomas de Zamora, Argentina
Dr. José María Garduño, Universidad Autónoma de la Ciudad de México, México
Dr. Liliana Petrucci, Director of El Cardo magazine, National University of Entre Ríos, Argentina
MG Lucas Sotelo, Universidad Nacional de Lomas de Zamora, Argentina
Dra. Maria Carolina Caldeira Silva, UFMG, Brasil
Dra. Maria Isabel Ortigão, Uerj, Brasil
Dra. Maria Edeluza Ferreira Pinto de Moura, UEA, Brasil
Dra. Maria Santos, Uerj, Brasil
Dr. Marina Paulozzo , Coordinator of the Argentine Curriculum Network, National University of Lomas de Zamora, Argentina.
Dra. Marize Peixto de Figueiredo, Uerj, Brasil
Dra. Nadja Polyana Felizola Cabete, UEA, Brasil
Dr. Paulo de Tássio Borges da Silva, UFF, Brasil
Dr. Rigoberto Martínez Escárcega, del Centro Latinoamericano de Pensamiento Crítico, México
Dra. Rita Guadalupe Angulo Villanueva, Universidad Autonoma de San Luis Potosí, México
Dra. Rita Frangella, Uerj, Brasil
Dra. Rosanne Dias, Uerj, Brasil
Dra. Talita Vidal Pereira, Uerj, Brasil
Dr. Thiago Ranniery, UFRJ, Brasil