
Angel Diaz Barriga – Visiting Scholar by Capes PrInt ProPEd Uerj

Prof. Angel Diaz Barriga, from the National Autonomous University of Mexico, will come as a visiting professor at ProPEd Uerj, between October 29th and November 05th, 2019.
On November 4th he will give a conference at ProPEd - Uerj, from 9 am to 12 pm, at aud 111, entitled: Relations between Curriculum and Didactics in Mexico 
- theoretical approaches, challenges and conflicts.

No prior registration is required.
On October 30 at 9 am he will be giving a lecture to the teachers of the Niterói Municipal Network, at the Niemeyer Popular Theater, entitled: Reinventing teaching - a 21st century task.
In the other days, research activities will be restricted to students and professors of the research line Curriculum: actors, knowledge and culture.