
Prof. Jason Glynos, University of Essex, visiting scholar in Brazil, Capes PrInt ProPEd Uerj

Prof. Jason Glynos, scholar of the Theory of discourse at the Department of Government of the University of Essex, was in Brazil between August 22nd and September 7, 2019, for activities at ProPEd/UERJ, along the line of research Curriculum: actors, knowledge and culture. Prof. Jason lectured and attended meetings with the researchers of the line, as well as performed activities with researchers from UFPE, partners in the ProPEd/UERJ discourse theory projects. Prof. Jason’s conference was titled Discourse, Fantasy, and Logics in Critical Empirical Research and was consecutively translated from Profa Rosana Glat. As Prof. Jason himself stated in an interview with CTE/Uerj, that was a great opportunity, provided by Capes PrInt, for exchanging ideas and developing research networks in educational policies and politics general, in a discursive perspective.



Prof. Jason Glynos profile

CTE/Uerj – interview with Jason Glynos

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