
Research in Education: Meanings, Contradictions and Intentions of The Object to be Known

The purpose of this investigation is to identify and examine the conception or conceptions of object of knowledge explained in the researcher’s training manuals, revealing their presuppositions and submitting them to criticism. The interrogation about the object is included in an investigative proposal, involving the thematics of the theory and of the subject, investigated earlier but not exhausted. Theory, subject and object represent inseparable aspects of the same question.

In the field of educative knowledge and of human and social sciences, the object of investigation is blended entirely with the subject. To what extent is this problematized in the literature that serves as a basis for training the researcher in education? Which is or what are the discourses on the object of scientific investigation that sustain the procedures and the research methods, what do they reveal and what do they hide of the dual condition in which the human appears in the investigation process?

It is theoretical research, developed from an analysis of philosophical bibliography, about questions of man, society, real and knowledge and from analyzing the training manuals of the work of the researchers, produced in the field of social sciences and educational reflection.

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Período: 2005 a 2011

Coordenador(es): Siomara Borba

Equipe: Adriana Doyle Portugal ● Aline de Carvalho Moura ● Marcelo Senna Guimarães ● Murilo Mariano Vilaça ● Natália Regina de Almeida ● Rosemary Guimarães Aquino ● Sérgio Rafael Barbosa da Silva ●

Outros financiamentos: Edital Universal CNPq, Prociência/Faperj/UERJ
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