
The Impact of the Curricular Reforms in Pedagogical Practice

The curricular reforms that have been observed in Brazil as from the second half of the 1990s – and which are connected with other curricular reforms carried out in several Western countries in that period – have been organized in such a way as to reconfigure the school model and prepare a new citizen, who should be socialized within a resignified pedagogic space and a new scholastic culture, attuned to new competences, dispositions and skills required by a reformatted labor market. Therefore, delimited by the sociopolitical and educational context briefly outlined above, this project investigates ways in which the curricular proposals, originating from current educational reforms, are being implemented and resignified in pedagogical practice. In other words, the project is designed as a search for meanings being constructed from ongoing curricular changes, as well as from observing movements accepting those new proposals and/or contestations, negotiations and reinterpretations being conducted by the active subjects of school life and which are reflected in the ways in which scholastic activities occur and in how that is expressed in the teachers’ discourse about the school curriculum. In greater detail, that study will focus on curricular practices implemented in the second segment of an Elementary School of the public system of Rio de Janeiro Municipality and particularly on the subjects Sciences and Mathematics. It is aimed, then, to view the curricular practices as inserted in multiple contexts of political and social action, which are interrelated and circulate dynamically, according to Stephen Ball’s analysis. The field of investigation, as may be imagined, is vast. The school is one of those spaces. The administration of school education is another. There is, also, a macro space that articulates and dialogues with the pedagogical work, through supervision and control of the teaching work by regional and central bodies of the Municipal Education Department (SME), of what is being disclosed by the media, by the SME, by the different curricular texts to which the teachers have access at different opportunities of continued training and by a series of other colloquies in academic, community and labor union environments etc. To achieve those aims, the study will be centered on ethnographic work and on making contact with other spaces of production and control of the implementation of the curricular texts.

Key words: Curricular policies, Sciences and Mathematics teaching, school culture.

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Período: 2006 a 2009

Coordenador(es): Maria de Lourdes Rangel Tura

Equipe: Fernando Corrêa de Macedo ● Irene Rocha Kalil ● Lavínia Rosa Rodrigues ● Luciana Velloso da Silva Seixas ● Milene do Nascimento Moreira ● Patrícia Gonçalves Nery ● Talita Vidal Pereira ● Teresa Cristina Oliveira Araujo ● Thaiana Neuenfield Philipsen ● Thais Vianna Maia ●

Outros financiamentos: Faperj / UERJ
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